Yes, but only for children and senior citizens

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4XC6S94from Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

 @4VX9G3Dfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

Why should we fund laziness? Dental hygiene is a choice, just like taking a shower

 @4T7QBXQfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only in cases of birth or genetic defects, not in cases of rot from poor self-care.

 @4WRQK9Rfrom Western Australia answered…3yrs3Y

I thought fluoridating our water aimed at this, however, high sugar diets and childhood consumption of too much sugary drinks have reversed preventative dental care. Tax the sugary drinks.

 @4WDTFMZfrom New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

People only need dental care because of western processed diet. Flouride and fillings are so bad for you


Yes but only basic otherwise people will grow lazy on brushing/flossing/taking care of their teeth.

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