Yes, a national high-speed fibre optic network is crucial for the future of Australia's economy
No, a more cost effective solution should be developed such as fibre to the node
No, focus on a wireless solution instead
No, this should be privatised

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Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4VPGPSLfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

 @4VLW888from Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

Rich Western cointries should be investing money to help poorer countries instead of moving forward and forgetting about those in need

 @4VLSCL6from New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

In a science where technology advances are inevitable, why would we commit to a project which will almost certainly be outdated by the time it is rolled out. This is a massive land area we are trying to cover. Wireless has to be the way forward.

 @4THS3BKfrom New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

Again more fraud in the government and businesses taking advantage of stupid politicians. The massive blowout with almost no accountability is absurd. I say privatise only because governments these days lack the capability to do government works effectively. We can't even build roads, almost all major roads recently have been done privately and now we pay toll. Just another tax on the people this will be the same. so sad.


Yes, it is crucial to the economy and for public communication. But they need to get the costs under control

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