Yes, but increase environmental restrictions and oversight
No, more research needs to be done to ensure there is no groundwater contamination
Yes, as long as the projects are far away from residential areas
No, we should provide more funding for renewable energy instead

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Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4W3GBYBfrom New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

NO coal seam gas and No mining.. This rape and pillage of our country has got to stop.. The people doing it can not be trusted any more than the politicians giving permission to do the right thing


As long as the projects are far away from residential areas and environmental restrictions


in public housing as they are uniportant and force migrant workers to work on them as they are rude and children need to be taught how to work. also, send the women to the houses to clean using the gas.


Australia should be working to transition away from non-renewables. however not at the cost to the economy, this is why Australia needs to be working closer with larger states to achieve this in a realistic way. Stop telling Australian that renewables are 10 years away. I work with renewable energy, misinformation around it is the problem. not the technology.


Yes. If we ban coal projects thousands of jobs will be lost and the economy will collapse. Resulting in mass homelessness and unemployment.

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