
Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Sunday Double Wages” has changed over time for 199k Australia voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Sunday Double Wages” has changed over time for 199k Australia voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4WM9S7Wfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

Well our multicultural society has created a 24/7 culture and now instead of having Sunday off the community has been given the expectation that everything is going to be open. Therefore we now need to review what a working week is. This is a downside of multiculturalism if the statues continues then Sat. penalty rates should apply to the whole weekend or more simple solution don't open on Sundays have a rest day

 @9BXHLQNfrom Illinois answered…12mos12MO


Why is Sunday even a designated break day lol, there should be no designated break day, only capped working hours.


Workers should be paid double wages if they are working on a religious day they would normally be avoiding work
