Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive
No, only if they have a criminal history related to drug abuse
Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians
No, this is a waste of time and money
Yes, and immediately terminate benefits for anyone testing positive

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Other Popular Answers

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Yes, if they have a history and are exhibiting the signs of drug abuse after an interview with a professional


if testing is deemed necessary then politicians and government workers receiving gov money should also be tested and those that are testing positive should be provided with help rather than punished


Maybe, but only if they provide support as drug addiction is an illness just as any other.


No, but decrease money given and give food stamp equivalents instead. Also, if found to be addicted to drugs regularly check in on dependents (eg. kids).


No, the lawmakers need to be tested for cocaine and heroin. They should also not be allowed to be drunk on the job.


If they are homeless yes if they are just old and don't work anymore they can consent to test if they wish.

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