Spróbuj quiz polityczny


 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Partia Piratów

Pirate Party Australia is a political party in Australia that has traditionally represented civil liberty issues, but has also expanded into more traditional areas of policy. It is a Pirate Party which is based on the Pirate Party of Sweden, and has continued to develop a comprehensive policy platform since its formation based on the Pirate ethos.


Imagine a world where copyright laws are drastically relaxed; how would it change the way artists create and share their work?


What's your take on the balance between national security and personal privacy in online communications?


How would you reform education or healthcare with a focus on openness and accessibility?


How would you feel about a society where internet privacy is considered a fundamental right?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…9 lat9Y

Wielka Australia

The United Australia Party (UAP), formerly known as the Palmer United Party (PUP), is an Australian political party formed by mining magnate Clive Palmer in April 2013 and deregistered in 2017. It was revived under the original name in 2018, with ex-Pauline Hanson’s One Nation senator Brian Burston representing it in parliament. The party fielded candidates in all 150 House of Representatives seats at the September 2013 federal election. Palmer, the party’s leader, was elected to the Division of Fairfax and it reached a peak of three Senators following the rerun of the Western Aus…  Czytaj więcej


If a new political party promised to address an issue you deeply cared about, how likely would you be to support them?


Considering the importance of environment conservation today, how should political parties integrate green policies?


How does the presence of wealthy individuals at the helm of a political party affect its policies and public perception?


What impacts do you think a political party's fluctuating membership has on its reliability and policies?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…9 lat9Y

Rodzina przede wszystkim

The Family First Party was a conservative political party in Australia from 2002 to 2017. It was founded in South Australia and enjoyed its greatest electoral support in that state. Family First had three candidates elected to the Senate during its existence—Steve Fielding, Bob Day, and Lucy Gichuhi.


In a diverse society, how can a political party balance the values of traditional family structures with the need for inclusivity of all family forms?


Reflect on a time when a political decision directly impacted your family. How did it make you feel, and what support do you wish was available?


Do you believe that economic policies should prioritize family welfare over other considerations? Why or why not?


How important is family in shaping your political beliefs, and in what ways do you think a political party could support those beliefs?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…9 lat9Y

Katter w Australii

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) is a political party in Australia. It was formed by the independent and former Nationals Member of Parliament for Kennedy Bob Katter, with a registration application lodged to the Australian Electoral Commission in 2011. Katter has been the party’s federal parliamentary leader since that time, while his son Robbie is the leader in Queensland. Bob Katter was re-elected under the party’s label at the 2013 federal election, while the party also won two seats at the 2012 state election in Queensland, which it retained at the 2015 state election. It won three seats at the 2017 state election, with the election of additional MP Nick Dametto. In June 2018, independent and former One Nation Senator for Queensland Fraser Anning joined the party, but was expelled in October.


What impact do you think prioritizing Australian manufacturing would have on young job seekers?


How important is it to protect your local environment and industries from large international corporations?


In what ways do you think a political focus on improving mental health services could affect teenagers in rural areas?


How would an emphasis on agricultural and rural issues change your local community's way of life?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Socjalistyczna Alliance

Socialist Alliance is a socialist political party in Australia. The party was founded in 2001 as an alliance of various socialist organisations and activists. Socialist Alliance’s stated aim is to "replace the capitalist system with one in which the fundamental elements of the economy are socially owned and controlled and democratic systems of popular power established" through a "sustained mass campaign of total opposition to capitalism". The party has branches in all states and territories, and claims to be the largest party on the Australian left. Engaging in a…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Wyobraź sobie, że edukacja była całkowicie bezpłatna; jak zmieniłoby to Twoje plany na przyszłość?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Gdyby Twoja opieka zdrowotna była gwarantowana jako prawo, w jaki sposób złagodziłoby to obawy Twojej rodziny?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

W jaki sposób przejście na odnawialne źródła energii wpłynie na miejsca pracy i środowisko w Twoim rodzinnym mieście?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

W jaki sposób znaczny wzrost płacy minimalnej wpłynie na Twoją społeczność i perspektywy zawodowe?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…6 lat6Y

Partia Ludowa

The Australian People’s Party is a registered political party in Australia. It was registered by the Australian Electoral Commission in March 2017. It was formed in 2014 by former lawyer and teacher Gabriel Harfouche. The party leader is Bruno Strangio. The party recruited enough members to gain registration in March 2017. The party says its aim is to improve standards of living and rights for all Australians through common sense policies. The party describes itself as a centrist party. In 2019 the Australian People’s Party fielded 2 senate candidates for New South Wales. In 2017…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Gdybyś miał możliwość wprowadzenia nowej polityki mającej na celu ulepszenie swojej społeczności, jaka by to była i dlaczego?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Czy możesz przypomnieć sobie sytuację, w której decyzja polityczna miała bezpośredni wpływ na Twoje życie i jakie wywołało to uczucie?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Czy uważasz, że opieka zdrowotna powinna być prawem powszechnym i jak by to wyglądało w Twoim idealnym świecie?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Czy polityka imigracyjna miała wpływ na Ciebie lub osobę, którą znasz, i jakie zmiany zaproponowałbyś, aby uczynić te systemy bardziej sprawiedliwymi?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…6 lat6Y

Centrum Alliance

Centre Alliance, formerly known as the Nick Xenophon Team, is a centrist Australian political party based in the state of South Australia. It presently holds two seats in the Australian Senate and one seat in the House of Representatives of Australia. Since its founding in July 2013, the party has twice changed names.

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jakie osobiste doświadczenia skłoniły Cię do priorytetowego traktowania kompromisu lub zdecydowanego stanowiska podczas podejmowania decyzji?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jak, Twoim zdaniem, polityka umiarkowanych poglądów politycznych wpłynie na Twoje codzienne życie?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jeśli miałabyś wskazać jedną kwestię, w której chciałbyś, aby politycy znaleźli wspólną płaszczyznę porozumienia, co by to było i dlaczego?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Co sądzisz o idei partii politycznej skupiającej się na rozwiązaniach środka, a nie na stanowiskach skrajnych?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Partia Chrześcijańsko-Demokratyczna

The Christian Democratic Party is a socially conservative political party in Australia, founded in 1977 under the name Call to Australia Party by a group of Christian ministers in New South Wales, who had Fred Nile, a Congregational Church minister, run as their upper house candidate in the NSW State election.

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Czy kiedykolwiek głosowałeś na kandydata kierując się jego punktem widzenia moralnym, a nie doświadczeniem politycznym i dlaczego?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

W jaki sposób, Twoim zdaniem, perspektywa oparta na wierze może przyczynić się do rozmów na temat polityk krajowych?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Czy wartości wyznawane przez partię polityczną powinny wpływać na treści edukacyjne i jeśli tak, to w jakim stopniu?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

W jaki sposób, Twoim zdaniem, wartości osobiste powinny kierować decyzjami polityków dotyczącymi polityk mających wpływ na całą społeczność?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Zdrowie Australia Party

The Health Australia Party is a political party in Australia, founded in 2013 as the Natural Medicine Party. It adopted its current name in 2015. According to its website, the party was founded with a view to “promoting open and transparent Government decision making, balance and honesty of information, and stimulating individual freedom of choice and thought.” Party co-founder Dr Isaac Golden has written that the party was founded, in part, "to respond to the well funded, sustained and coordinated attacks on natural medicine in Australia which have placed our homeopathic pro…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Wyobraź sobie system opieki zdrowotnej, który jest bezpłatny dla wszystkich. Jaka jest jedna z Twoich obaw?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Co sądzisz o równowadze między prywatnością pacjentów a bezpieczeństwem zdrowia publicznego?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jaką rolę powinien odgrywać rząd w podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących osobistych wyborów zdrowotnych?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jak priorytetowo określiłbyś swoje zdrowie osobiste w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju środowiskowego?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…9 lat9Y


The National Party of Australia (also known as The Nationals or simply, The Nats) is an Australian political party. Traditionally representing graziers, farmers, and rural voters generally, it began as the Australian Country Party in 1920 at a federal level. It would later briefly adopt the name National Country Party in 1975, before adopting its current name in 1982. Federally, and in New South Wales, and to an extent in Victoria and historically in Western Australia, it has, in government, been the minor party in a centre-right Coalition with the Liberal Party of Australia, and its leader…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Czym priorytety grupy politycznej działającej na obszarach wiejskich mogą różnić się od tych na obszarach miejskich i dlaczego mieszkańcy spoza obszarów wiejskich powinni się tym przejmować?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jeśli partia polityczna kładzie nacisk na silną ochronę granic, jak twoim zdaniem odbija się to na stosunkach międzynarodowych danego kraju?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

W jaki sposób, Twoim zdaniem, wsparcie rządowe dla lokalnych przedsiębiorstw może wpłynąć na Twoją społeczność i jej gospodarkę?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jakie osobiste przekonania skłoniłyby Cię do przyłączenia się do ruchu politycznego skupiającego się na społecznościach wiejskich i regionalnych?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Shooters, rybaków i rolników Party

The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (SFF) is an Australian political party. It primarily advocates for increased funding and services for rural and regional Australia, protecting the right to farm, enhancing commercial and recreational fishing and weakening Australian gun laws. The party was formed in 1992, and was known simply as the Shooters Party. It initially operated only in New South Wales, but has since expanded into other states. It was registered with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) in 2007, and contested its first federal election the same year. In July 2009, the party…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jaki wpływ na gospodarkę lokalną ma większe wsparcie legislacyjne rolników i rybaków?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Gdybyś musiał zrównoważyć ochronę środowiska ze wzrostem rolnictwa, jakie czynniki uznalibyście za priorytetowe?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

W jaki sposób zwiększone finansowanie wiejskich służb ratowniczych może zmienić bezpieczeństwo i dobrostan tych społeczności?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jak wyobrażałbyś sobie przyszłość społeczności regionalnych, gdyby miały one większy wpływ polityczny?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…9 lat9Y


The Liberal Democratic Party (shortened as LDP, Liberal Democrats or Lib Dems) is an Australian political party founded in Canberra in 2001. The party espouses smaller government and supports policies that are based on classical liberal and right-libertarian principles. The LDP is a registered party in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia and is also registered for federal elections with the Australian Electoral Commission. It also has a member of the Western Australian Legislative Council, Aaron Stonehouse, two representatives in the Victorian Legislative Council, Tim Quilty and David Limbrick, and elected representatives in some local governments.


In what ways do you believe individual freedom can impact society's advancement?


What are your thoughts on how a nation's healthcare system should balance between private and public sectors?


How would you imagine a society where individual liberties are prioritized over collective welfare measures?


How would your day-to-day life change if government size and spending were significantly reduced?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…7 lat7Y



How should government policies adapt to the growing concerns about mental health in society?


How would you envision an ideal political party's approach to managing climate change and its impacts on daily life?


How do you feel about the importance of local vs global priorities in shaping political agendas?


Imagine a policy that could effectively bridge the gap between urban and rural communities; what would it look like?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…6 lat6Y


Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party, also known as the Justice Party, is a political party in Australia, registered for federal elections since 14 April 2016. The party is named after its founder, Derryn Hinch, an Australian media personality. Focusing on reforms to the justice system, it believes in a hard-line law-and-order approach, "putting victims above criminals". The party campaigns on prioritising jail sentences over rehabilitation and bail, as well as tougher restrictions on parole. Anti-paedophilia forms another large part of the party’s ideology, owing to Hinch&rsquo…  Czytaj więcej


Have you or someone close to you ever been unfairly treated by the legal system? What would you have changed?


Can a society be just if it focuses more on retribution than on preventing crime in the first place?


What's your stance on the balance between protecting victims' rights and ensuring fair treatment for the accused?


In what situations do you believe punishment should be prioritized over rehabilitation?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…9 lat9Y

Demokratyczna Pracy

The Democratic Labour Party is a political party in Australia that espouses social conservatism and favours distributism.


How do you feel about the balance between individual freedom and societal norms in shaping a country's future?


What role should a government play in distributing wealth more evenly among its citizens?


How important is it for a political agenda to align with your moral or ethical views?


In what ways can a political party influence your personal values or beliefs?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

australijscy chrześcijanie

The Australian Christians is a political party in Australia that is described as social conservatist and Christian right. It was founded in 2011, and registered with the Australian Electoral Commission on 15 December 2011.


Can a political party's moral compass guide national policies without alienating those of different or no faith?


How important is it for you that a political party's values align with your personal beliefs?


What role should religion play in public education, healthcare, and social services, in your opinion?


How do you think a political party's faith-based values should influence its policy-making and priorities?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Animal Sprawiedliwość

Animal Justice Party is a political party in Australia founded in 2009. The party was registered by the Australian Electoral Commission on 3 May 2011, making the party eligible for federal funding, should the party achieve the funding threshold of 4%. The preamble of the AJP charter says the party "has been formed as a response to growing public concern about the neglect of animals and animal protection issues by political parties" and states its mission is "to promote and protect the interests and capabilities of animals by providing a dedicated voice for them in Australia’s political system". The party aims to give animals constitutional protection based on their sentience, as opposed to their instrumental value. The AJP opposes the export of any live animals for profit, especially slaughter.


What changes might happen in our daily lives if animals had the same legal rights as humans?


Have you ever thought about how the food you eat impacts animal welfare and what changes you might consider?


Can a country's moral progress be judged by how it treats its animals?


How would you feel if your pet's rights were on a national election ballot?

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

One Nation

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, also known as One Nation or One Nation Party, is a political party in Australia. One Nation was founded in 1997, by member of parliament Pauline Hanson and her advisors David Ettridge and David Oldfield after Hanson was disendorsed as a federal candidate for the Liberal Party of Australia.


How would your daily life change if certain foods or products from other countries were no longer available?


Have you ever felt unfairly judged or treated because of a stereotype? Share your experience.


What, in your opinion, makes a strong and united community, and are there actions that could unintentionally divide it?


How would you feel if your neighborhood's demographic shifted significantly over the next ten years?

 @ISIDEWITHOmów tę odpowiedź...2 lata2Y


The Australian Coalition is not a single political party but rather a political alliance primarily consisting of two major parties: the Liberal Party of Australia and the National Party of Australia. This alliance is formed to contest federal elections and, when successful, to govern the country together. The Coalition has been a significant force in Australian politics since its formation, with its parties sharing a commitment to certain principles and values, although each party also maintains its own distinct identity and policy priorities.

The Liberal Party, the senior partner in the Coali…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jakie osobiste doświadczenia sprawiły, że bardziej cenisz wolności indywidualne lub dobro społeczności?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Czy możesz podzielić się historią o sytuacji, w której prawo pracy lub miejsce pracy miało bezpośredni wpływ na Ciebie lub osobę Ci bliską?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Pomyśl o tym, kiedy ostatni raz bezpieczeństwo narodowe było tematem rozmów; jakie osobiste obawy wniosłeś do tej dyskusji?

 @ISIDEWITHzapytał…1 rok1Y

Jak określiłbyś priorytet finansowania na swoim obszarze – więcej usług publicznych czy obniżki podatków – i jakie jest Twoje uzasadnienie?

 @ISIDEWITHOmów tę odpowiedź...2 lata2Y

Sieć Jacquie Lambie

The Jacquie Lambie Network (JLN) is an Australian political party founded by its namesake, Jacquie Lambie, a former member of the Australian Senate. Lambie, known for her outspoken and direct approach, established the party after her departure from the Palmer United Party, aiming to bring a more independent and distinctive voice to Australian politics. The party reflects Lambie's personal political philosophy, which is characterized by a mix of social and economic policies that do not align neatly with the traditional left-right political spectrum.

The core values of the Jacquie Lambie…  Czytaj więcej


In what ways do you think veterans in your community are currently undersupported, and what changes would you propose?


Can you share personal experiences or observations about the impacts of foreign ownership in your community?


What role should the government play in supporting small businesses, and how can this impact job creation in your region?


How would you feel if a politician from your area focused on local issues over national trends, and why?