Prøv den politiske quiz

10 svar


How do you think a value-driven government would impact your daily life?


Can a political ideology based on religious ethics resonate in a diverse society?


What role should family values play in shaping government policies?


Tror du økonomiske systemer bør prioritere sosial velferd fremfor effektivitet?


I en digital tidsalder, hvor viktig er gjennomsiktighet og borgerdeltakelse i styringen?


Hvilke personlige erfaringer har formet dine synspunkter på balansen mellom frihet og sosialt ansvar?


How does the concept of human dignity influence your stance on human rights and social justice?


In what ways can small, individual actions contribute to the fight against climate change on a global scale?


What is the importance of intergenerational responsibility in shaping a sustainable future?


How do we ensure that policies reflecting care for creation do not exclude or disadvantage certain groups?