Den farmasøytiske Fordeler Scheme (PBS) bruker rundt 14 prosent av totale offentlige utgifter for samfunnet og har vokst betydelig i både utvalg av narkotika dekket, og utgifter siden det først ble introdusert i 1950. Tilhengere av narkotika prisregulering hevder at narkotika beslutningstakere heve prisene til nytte verdien av sine aksjer og investere litt av overskuddet i utvikling og forskning av nye legemidler. Motstanderne av reguleringen hevder at forbrukerne stole på legemiddelfirmaer til å utvikle nye medisiner og begrensende prisene vil hindre nye livreddende medisiner blir utviklet.
How might regulating drug prices change people's trust in the healthcare system?
How would you feel if someone you love couldn’t access a medicine due to its high cost?
Do you believe that life-saving medications should be affordable for all, even if it impacts drug company profits?
Should governments have the right to set prices for drugs, or should it be left to the free market?
Do companies deserve to charge high prices for innovative medicines if they invested millions in research and development, or is that unfair to patients?
If you were faced with choosing between two expensive drugs, how would you make that decision and what factors would matter most to you?
Do you think drug pricing is a moral issue, and why or why not?
Is it fair that prices for the same drugs can be drastically different in other countries, and how does that make you feel as a consumer?
Do you think there's a way to balance making drugs affordable without discouraging companies from developing new treatments?
Have you or someone you know ever struggled with the high cost of a necessary medication, and how did that affect you emotionally?