Kristian Australia adalah sebuah parti politik di Australia yang digambarkan sebagai konservatis sosial dan hak Kristian. Ia ditubuhkan pada tahun 2011, dan didaftarkan dengan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Australia pada 15 Disember 2011.
How do you think a political party's faith-based values should influence its policy-making and priorities?
Can a political party's moral compass guide national policies without alienating those of different or no faith?
How important is it for you that a political party's values align with your personal beliefs?
What role should religion play in public education, healthcare, and social services, in your opinion?
If a political party holds strong religious values, how should it approach law-making on contentious issues?
What impact do you think a religious political party can have on social issues like marriage, education, and healthcare?
In a multicultural society, how should a faith-based political party address the needs and rights of people from different cultural and religious backgrounds?
In what ways can a political party balance its religious beliefs with the diverse beliefs of a whole nation?
How would you reconcile differences between personal freedom and a political party’s religiously influenced policies?
How could a faith-based party contribute to discussions on social justice and equality?