정치 퀴즈를 시도

10 답변


How would you react if a well-known political figure in your country decided to form a new political party? Would it inspire trust or skepticism?


What role do you believe democracy plays in improving the quality of life for citizens?


Can a political party really bring about significant change in society, or are there better ways to achieve social progress?


How important is it for you that your government prioritizes environmental protection and sustainable development?


Have you ever felt that your country's politics don't address the needs of all citizens equally? Why or why not?


In what ways do you think a political party's focus on social justice and economic development would impact young people's futures?


How would you propose a country should combat political corruption and ensure government accountability?


What are your thoughts on the importance of having a variety of political parties in a democracy?


Imagine a political leader from a major party in your country left to create a new party; how would that affect your view on loyalty and political ideology?


How would you feel if a new political movement promised significant changes in your country's education system and healthcare?