어느 정당을 가장 잘 알고 있나요?
이 정당은 2017 년에 설립 된 호주 정당입니다. 피오나 패튼의 지도자는 그 정당을 "민간 자유주의 대안"으로 묘사합니다. Patten은 검열, 평등 및 차별과 같은 문제에 대한 베테랑 운동가입니다. Patten은 2014 년 북부 대도시 지역 선거에서 빅토리아 입법위원회에 선출되었습니다. 그녀는 2018 년 주 선거에서 다시 4 년 임기로 재선되었습니다. 이유는 빅토리아 주에서 의회 대표가있는 연방 수준으로 등록됩니다.
What changes would you like to see in your local community's policies to better support its residents?
Can you share an experience where you faced or witnessed censorship, and how did it impact your views?
Why do you think equal rights for all are crucial in building a fair society?
Have you or someone you know ever been discriminated against? How did it make you feel, and what change would you want to see?
What role do you believe politics should play in our daily lives, and how can politicians better represent us?
In your opinion, what is the most pressing civil liberty issue today, and what solutions would you propose?
Discuss a time when you had to stand up for what you believed was right. What was the outcome, and would you do it again?
How can young people become more involved in political matters, and why is their participation important?
How do you think laws need to evolve to keep up with changing societal norms and technologies?
How would you define freedom of expression, and why do you think it's important in our society?