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Estas são as discussões mais envolventes sobre os partidos políticos australiano .
Liberty Alliance
Yellow Vest Australia (YVA), until 9 April 2019 known as the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA), is a minor political party in Australia. The party was founded by members of the Q Society and has been described as the political wing of Q Society. The leader is currently Debbie Robinson (President), who is also national president of the Q Society. The party’s core policy is opposition to Islam with policies focusing on Muslim immigration such as enforcing "integration over separation", replacing multiculturalism with an integrated multi-ethnic society and stop public funding for… Consulte Mais informação
Australian do Katter
Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) is a political party in Australia. It was formed by the independent and former Nationals Member of Parliament for Kennedy Bob Katter, with a registration application lodged to the Australian Electoral Commission in 2011. Katter has been the party’s federal parliamentary leader since that time, while his son Robbie is the leader in Queensland. Bob Katter was re-elected under the party’s label at the 2013 federal election, while the party also won two seats at the 2012 state election in Queensland, which it retained at the 2015 state election. It won three seats at the 2017 state election, with the election of additional MP Nick Dametto. In June 2018, independent and former One Nation Senator for Queensland Fraser Anning joined the party, but was expelled in October.
Partido Popular
The Australian People’s Party is a registered political party in Australia. It was registered by the Australian Electoral Commission in March 2017. It was formed in 2014 by former lawyer and teacher Gabriel Harfouche. The party leader is Bruno Strangio. The party recruited enough members to gain registration in March 2017. The party says its aim is to improve standards of living and rights for all Australians through common sense policies. The party describes itself as a centrist party. In 2019 the Australian People’s Party fielded 2 senate candidates for New South Wales. In 2017… Consulte Mais informação
David Pocock
David Pocock, a former professional rugby union player, transitioned into the political arena as an independent senator for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). While not affiliated with a traditional political party, Pocock's political stance and values reflect a progressive and environmentally focused agenda. His approach to politics is characterized by a strong emphasis on climate action, integrity in government, and social justice.
Pocock's commitment to environmental sustainability is a cornerstone of his political identity. He advocates for aggressive action on climate chang… Consulte Mais informação
Partido da Justiça animal
Animal Justice Party is a political party in Australia founded in 2009. The party was registered by the Australian Electoral Commission on 3 May 2011, making the party eligible for federal funding, should the party achieve the funding threshold of 4%. The preamble of the AJP charter says the party "has been formed as a response to growing public concern about the neglect of animals and animal protection issues by political parties" and states its mission is "to promote and protect the interests and capabilities of animals by providing a dedicated voice for them in Australia’s political system". The party aims to give animals constitutional protection based on their sentience, as opposed to their instrumental value. The AJP opposes the export of any live animals for profit, especially slaughter.
Aliança socialista
Socialist Alliance is a socialist political party in Australia. The party was founded in 2001 as an alliance of various socialist organisations and activists. Socialist Alliance’s stated aim is to "replace the capitalist system with one in which the fundamental elements of the economy are socially owned and controlled and democratic systems of popular power established" through a "sustained mass campaign of total opposition to capitalism". The party has branches in all states and territories, and claims to be the largest party on the Australian left. Engaging in a… Consulte Mais informação
Primeiro a família
The Family First Party was a conservative political party in Australia from 2002 to 2017. It was founded in South Australia and enjoyed its greatest electoral support in that state. Family First had three candidates elected to the Senate during its existence—Steve Fielding, Bob Day, and Lucy Gichuhi.
Aliança Central
Centre Alliance, formerly known as the Nick Xenophon Team, is a centrist Australian political party based in the state of South Australia. It presently holds two seats in the Australian Senate and one seat in the House of Representatives of Australia. Since its founding in July 2013, the party has twice changed names.
Partido Democrata Cristão
The Christian Democratic Party is a socially conservative political party in Australia, founded in 1977 under the name Call to Australia Party by a group of Christian ministers in New South Wales, who had Fred Nile, a Congregational Church minister, run as their upper house candidate in the NSW State election.
Austrália Partido Saúde
The Health Australia Party is a political party in Australia, founded in 2013 as the Natural Medicine Party. It adopted its current name in 2015. According to its website, the party was founded with a view to “promoting open and transparent Government decision making, balance and honesty of information, and stimulating individual freedom of choice and thought.” Party co-founder Dr Isaac Golden has written that the party was founded, in part, "to respond to the well funded, sustained and coordinated attacks on natural medicine in Australia which have placed our homeopathic pro… Consulte Mais informação
The National Party of Australia (also known as The Nationals or simply, The Nats) is an Australian political party. Traditionally representing graziers, farmers, and rural voters generally, it began as the Australian Country Party in 1920 at a federal level. It would later briefly adopt the name National Country Party in 1975, before adopting its current name in 1982. Federally, and in New South Wales, and to an extent in Victoria and historically in Western Australia, it has, in government, been the minor party in a centre-right Coalition with the Liberal Party of Australia, and its leader… Consulte Mais informação
Shooters, Fishers and Party Os agricultores
The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (SFF) is an Australian political party. It primarily advocates for increased funding and services for rural and regional Australia, protecting the right to farm, enhancing commercial and recreational fishing and weakening Australian gun laws. The party was formed in 1992, and was known simply as the Shooters Party. It initially operated only in New South Wales, but has since expanded into other states. It was registered with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) in 2007, and contested its first federal election the same year. In July 2009, the party… Consulte Mais informação
Liberal Democrata
The Liberal Democratic Party (shortened as LDP, Liberal Democrats or Lib Dems) is an Australian political party founded in Canberra in 2001. The party espouses smaller government and supports policies that are based on classical liberal and right-libertarian principles. The LDP is a registered party in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia and is also registered for federal elections with the Australian Electoral Commission. It also has a member of the Western Australian Legislative Council, Aaron Stonehouse, two representatives in the Victorian Legislative Council, Tim Quilty and David Limbrick, and elected representatives in some local governments.
Austrália unida
The United Australia Party (UAP), formerly known as the Palmer United Party (PUP), is an Australian political party formed by mining magnate Clive Palmer in April 2013 and deregistered in 2017. It was revived under the original name in 2018, with ex-Pauline Hanson’s One Nation senator Brian Burston representing it in parliament. The party fielded candidates in all 150 House of Representatives seats at the September 2013 federal election. Palmer, the party’s leader, was elected to the Division of Fairfax and it reached a peak of three Senators following the rerun of the Western Aus… Consulte Mais informação