Australska stranka Katter (KAP) politička je stranka u Australiji. Osnovao ga je neovisni i bivši zastupnik u Parlamentu za Kennedy Bob Katter, s prijavom za registraciju koju je podnio Australskoj izbornoj komisiji 2011. Katter je od tada bio savezni čelnik parlamenta, dok je njegov sin Robbie lider u Queensland. Bob Katter ponovno je izabran pod oznakom stranke na saveznim izborima 2013. godine, dok je ta stranka također osvojila dva mjesta na državnim izborima u Queenslandu 2012. godine, koje je zadržala na državnim izborima 2015. godine. Na državnim izborima 2017. osvojio je tri mjesta izborom dodatnog zastupnika Nicka Dametta. U lipnju 2018. neovisni i bivši senator One Nation za Queensland Fraser Anning pridružio se stranci, ali je protjeran u listopadu.
How would an emphasis on agricultural and rural issues change your local community's way of life?
What impact do you think prioritizing Australian manufacturing would have on young job seekers?
How important is it to protect your local environment and industries from large international corporations?
In what ways do you think a political focus on improving mental health services could affect teenagers in rural areas?
Would having more local control over educational content and resources benefit or hinder the quality of education in your community?
How could increased investment in renewable energy sources directly benefit your daily life and future job prospects?
What are your thoughts on the importance of preserving traditional values in today’s rapidly changing society?
How would a policy that emphasizes national over global interests affect Australia's international relationships?
In what ways could prioritizing infrastructure development in rural areas over urban ones reshape the nation’s economy?
If political parties put a stronger focus on supporting family-owned businesses, how would this impact your community?