Liberalna stranka Australije glavna je politička stranka desnog centra u Australiji, jedna od dvije glavne stranke u australskoj politici, zajedno s centralno-lijevom Australskom laburističkom strankom (ALP). Osnovana je 1944. godine kao nasljednica stranke United Australia (UAP). Liberalna stranka najveća je i dominantna stranka u Koaliciji s Nacionalnom strankom Australije. U dvije države i teritorija Australije stranke su se spojile, tvoreći Državnu liberalnu stranku sjevernog teritorija i Liberalnu nacionalnu stranku Queenslanda. Osim nekoliko kratkih razdoblja, Liberalna stranka i njez…
Čitaj više@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
What are your views on the balance between economic liberalism and social welfare?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How much should a government intervene in the market, and what are the potential pros and cons?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
Reflect on a time when a political decision directly affected your community; how did it make you feel?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How important is it for a political leader to reflect the values of the party they represent?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
Do you believe there's a one-size-fits-all approach to governance, or should it be tailored to each society's needs?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How do you think leadership changes within a political party impact its policies and values?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
What role do you believe a political party's history plays in shaping its current policies?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
Can economic growth and environmental conservation go hand in hand? Share your thoughts.
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
What are your thoughts on the idea that personal freedom and societal welfare sometimes conflict?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How do you think the value of 'small government' impacts the everyday life of citizens?