Pruebe el concurso político



Una empleada doméstica camboyana fue arrestada y deportada por Malasia por criticar a los líderes camboyanos en las redes sociales.

A Cambodian woman who worked as a maid in Malaysia has been deported to her homeland for comments she posted on social media criticizing Cambodian government leaders, in the latest example of a Southeast Asian government helping another arrest a dissident.


La empleada doméstica camboyana es arrestada y deportada por Malasia por criticar a los líderes de Camboya en las redes sociales.

A Cambodian woman who worked as a maid in Malaysia has been arrested and deported to her homeland for comments she posted on social media criticizing Cambodian government leaders


Partidarios exigen la liberación del periodista camboyano altamente respetado

Bangkok - Cambodia this week has seen an outpouring of support from journalists, media groups and embassies for Mech Dara, one of the country’s last