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Many people living on the streets could use minimum wage jobs to get off the streets and to support themselves.

 @9LPRY83agreed…2 days2D

now that teenage pregnancy's are increasing and most teenagers are on minimum wage its not enough to support them let alone a child, but with increasing the pay they might be able to scrape by for their family


Raising the minimum wage is crucial in addressing income inequality and ensuring that low-wage workers can afford basic necessities such as housing and healthcare. Studies consistently show that increasing the minimum wage leads to reduced poverty rates, stimulates economic growth through increased consumer spending, and improves overall well-being for workers and their families.


With the high increase of rent, food and overall products around Australia, the need for an increase in a minimum in wages is needed if we are expected to survive. Gives us a better understanding of responsibility and what the real world will have to offer.


According to Australian Unions: "big business shows little to no intent to support the very workers that have kept major companies – and the Australian economy – afloat during the pandemic.".

another example is Qantas illegally fired around 2,000 staff workers and were taken to the Federal Court of Australia and lost the appeal to the High Court.


A lot of older people with less education from their childhood experiences with families won't be able to feed or house themselves


Prices will continue to rise due to inflation and corporate greed regardless. How could you deny the workers taking a cut of increasing corporate profits


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