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people need to have the right to their own bodies and shouldn't be told what to do about a fetes growing in their womb

 @9GL8PYDfrom California disagreed…6mos6MO

maybe the condom broke by accident and a young teen has a baby by accident, she should have the right to get rid of the baby for the sake of her future


Abortion definitely should be allowed. After the horrific events the mother had to endure, the least compensation we can give is her choice is whether to let her have a child.


Some people do not have the required mental or financial sustainability to give a child a good quality of life. It is a very demanding process to raise a child and also to birth one. There are many people who are not ready for such responsibilities associated with a child who may have practiced safe sex but accidentally fallen pregnant. It is a massive life changing decision which people should have the choice to go through. Abortion is not at all murder as the fetus is incapable of life without support from the mother.


its the woman choice no matter the circumstance yes she could have possibility controlled the factor of having a baby but that comes with the chance of being able to get rid of it


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