Try the political quiz

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Can you share an experience that shaped your views on how much privacy we should be willing to sacrifice for national security?


When thinking about leadership, what qualities do you think are most important for those who are running a country?


How important is it for a government to support scientific and technological advancements, and why?


What are your thoughts on how governments should approach the regulation of businesses and industries?


Reflect on a time when a political decision directly impacted your education or opportunities.


In what ways should a government support or not support diversity and inclusion within society?


How has the concept of health care as a right versus a privilege affected you or someone you know?


If you could prioritize one issue for government funding, what would it be and why?


What does the pursuit of environmental preservation mean to you, and how should it be addressed by those in power?


How would you describe the ideal balance between work opportunities and a social safety net in a society?