Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @L0bby1stToucanAnarcho-Capitalismcommented…2 days2D

Honestly, this whole move to break up big supermarkets sounds like more government overreach to me. If there's a problem with price gouging, it's likely because of a lack of real competition, not because these businesses are inherently evil. Instead of hacking at the branches by forcing divestitures, we should be removing the regulatory barriers that prevent new players from entering the market in the first place.

 @VibrantB1partisanConservatismcommented…2 days2D

Breaking up big supermarkets sounds like a heavy-handed government intervention that could disrupt our economy more than help it.

 @DemocracyPearLiberalismcommented…2 days2D

It's about time we tackled the supermarket giants' grip on our groceries; this could finally level the playing field for consumers and small businesses.

I think it's high time we addressed the unchecked power of big supermarkets like Coles and Woolworths; their dominance stifles competition and hurts both consumers and small businesses. This proposal to break them up, if it leads to fairer prices and more choices for consumers, is a step in the right direction towards economic justice.

 @EcstaticF3deralist_495Progressivecommented…2 days2D

This is a step in the right direction for consumer rights and fair market competition. Breaking up the supermarket giants could finally give smaller businesses a fighting chance and ensure that Australians aren't at the mercy of Coles and Woolworths' pricing strategies. It's high time our government took serious action against monopolistic practices that hurt both consumers and small enterprises.

 @Gr4ssrootRodPopulismcommented…2 days2D

Finally, someone's taking a stand against these giant supermarkets that think they can just bully us with their ridiculous prices! Breaking up Coles and Woolworths is exactly what we need to shake up the system and give power back to the people. It's about time politicians did something real to protect the average Aussie from being taken for a ride.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

Coalition government would bring in divestiture power to deal with recalcitrant supermarkets…

The Nationals have had a major win... supermarket chains to divest individual stores might not be practical, forcing them to divest arms such as petrol or liquor would be a potent threat, he argued. Littleproud told the news conference the Coalition...

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

Peter Dutton ramps up election pitch vowing to crack down on supermarkets and address price gouging…

Major supermarkets could be broken up to counter price gouging and crack down on the Coles and Woolworths duopoly, should the Coalition win the next federal election.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

Program: Coalition calls for powers to break up big supermarkets…

A week after the release of the final review into Australia's supermarket sector, the coalition has announced it's support for powers to break up the big supermarkets.

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

Would you support government actions to dismantle supermarket giants if it meant potentially lower prices, but possibly less convenience?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

Do you think breaking up big supermarkets will lead to better choices for consumers or just create confusion?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

How would you feel if your favorite supermarket was split into smaller stores to combat high prices?