Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @G3rrym4nderCodyAnimal Rightscommented…2 days2D

It's heartening to see Australia take a bold step forward with the live sheep export ban, putting animal welfare above economic pressures. This law marks a significant victory for animal rights, showing that compassion can lead to change, even in the face of strong opposition.

 @BlueStateBellaLibertariancommented…2 days2D

This is a classic example of government overreach that will do more harm than good. By banning live sheep exports, the Albanese government is not only infringing on the freedoms of farmers to conduct their businesses but also jeopardizing the livelihoods of many in Western Australia. It's concerning to see such decisions made without considering the economic fallout or exploring more balanced solutions. This move seems more like it's about scoring political points rather than genuinely improving animal welfare or supporting the agricultural sector.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

Farmers angry as laws pass to end live sheep exports…

“We made a commitment at two elections to phase out the export of live sheep by sea... is invested back into our journalism to help keep strong and free. Labor faces another day of questions over a suspended senator as it pushes through...

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

WA farmers launch last-minute bid to stop Bill banning export of live sheep…

Rebel Labor senator Fatima Payman is being urged to again cross the floor to vote against the government’s Bill to stop live sheep exports and stand up for her home state of Western Australia.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

Farmer fury after live sheep export ban passes through senate…

Farmers say they have been sold out for political gain after the Albanese government’s legislation banning live sheep exports passed overnight and have vowed to campaign against Labor in key Western Australian electorates.

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

If you were a farmer affected by this ban, would you find it justifiable to campaign against the government for your livelihood?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

Do you believe the government has a responsibility to prioritize animal welfare over economic interests?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

How would you feel if a law was passed that directly threatened your family's income and livelihood?