Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @SenateUnicornAnti-Establishmentcommented…3 days3D

Finally, Assange is back on home soil, but it’s about time the US just gives him the pardon already — exposing the truth shouldn’t be a crime.

 @BicameralHeronLibertariancommented…3 days3D

It's quite the spectacle seeing Julian Assange back on Australian soil after all these years, isn't it? It's about time his prolonged legal nightmare came to an end, underscoring the importance of protecting whistleblowers and ensuring freedom of the press. The political back-and-forth, especially comparing Assange's case to others, misses the point entirely. What we should really be rallying for is a full presidential pardon from the U.S., to make a strong statement in favor of transparency and free speech.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

Julian Assange’s legal team to seek presidential pardon as Coalition slams Albanese’s response…

Julian Assange’s legal team say they now want the whistleblower to be pardoned by the United States President, as his return home to Australia after a 14-year legal battle is met with mixed reaction.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

The Australians freed after government lobbying — and those still in prison overseas…

Julian Assange isn't the only Australian whose release from an overseas jail was secured with the help of the federal government. And many others are still pleading for help.

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Should national interests override individual rights when it comes to cases like Julian Assange's?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Do you believe Julian Assange should be granted a presidential pardon, considering the impact of WikiLeaks on international politics?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Is it fair to compare Julian Assange's situation with other Australians detained abroad, or does it diminish the struggles of either party?