Try the political quiz

9 Replies


No, I believe the holy land should be returned to the catholic church as one unitary kingdom


No, I support a single integrated state where both israeli people and Palestinian people live side by side and I support the Israeli military in their efforts to destroy Hamas and the other terrorist groups currently attacking Israel.

 @9KVN4FLUnited Australiaanswered…1mo1MO

Yes as long as Palestine is held internationally accountable to the solution.



Conduct a census in Israel and Palestine, if there are more people that are willing to co-exist than not, let them live together under the same rule, if not rule --> two state solution.


If they stop killing Jews and recognise Israel as a country then yes. If the desire is to wipe out Israel then no until Palestine is de radicalised

 @9992HTRSocialist Alliance  from GU answered…2mos2MO

Yes, it is necessary to create peace in the region. In addition, sanction Israel until it lifts its human rights violations.


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