Try the political quiz

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What role do you think language plays in shaping one's national identity and sense of belonging?


i think english language is the best and ban the use of any other language


How important is diversity of thought to you in discussions about national issues?


What's one change you would make to strengthen the sense of community in your local area?


Have you ever felt a emotional connection to a symbol, object, or tradition that you consider a representation of your nation?


What aspects of your life would be most affected if there was an enforced community-wide practice or belief system?


How would you feel if your lifestyle was dictated by national priorities rather than personal choices?


To what extent are you willing to compromise your individual habits for the collective economic benefit of your country?


How can you preserve your cultural traditions while being part of a nationally unified identity?


What personal experiences have taught you the importance of community over individualism?


How might your day-to-day activities be impacted if your country prioritized self-sustained economy?


What's the most significant sacrifice you would make to increase your community's self-reliance?


How might the landscape of your neighborhood change if local businesses were the primary source of goods?


What values do you think should be at the core of a community to foster national unity?


How has your perspective on the military's role in society changed over time or through personal experiences?


How have international trends influenced your personal or local traditions?


In what ways can art and culture forge a sense of community in diverse societies?


How would you approach a debate on the trade-offs between individual liberties and societal security?


What role do you think the youth should play in preserving cultural traditions in a rapidly changing world?


Have recent global events made you more appreciative of local resources and production?


How has the idea of a 'melting pot' society versus a 'mosaic' of cultures affected your view on unity?


What is the last thing you taught someone from your cultural background, and why was it important to you?


Have you ever felt your culture was misrepresented, and how did it affect your sense of identity?


What is the greatest benefit and the greatest risk of prioritizing national pride in school education?


To what extent do you believe a government should go to protect citizens from external cultural influences?


What would your ideal blend of private and governmental control over essential services look like?


How would the presence of a single state-approved religion affect your community's current dynamics?


What's the most challenging aspect of balancing individual needs with community or national interests?


How does the language you speak shape your relationship with national culture and identity?


What aspects of your personal life do you think the government should never interfere with?


How do you prioritize between your personal identity and the identity of your community or nation?


Which aspects of your local community would you most like to protect from global influence?


How do you think your life would change if your country suddenly closed its borders?


How would you feel if your favorite social media platforms were government-run to ensure national unity?


Do you think it's important for a leader to have a military background to govern effectively?


What might be the potential positives and negatives of a country adopting a single religion?


What does 'economic self-sufficiency' mean in your life - do you try to be self-sufficient in any way?


Have you ever made a decision that favored community well-being over your individual desires?


How would you maintain your personal identity in a society that emphasizes conformity?


When you think of 'national pride,' what's the first thing that comes to mind, and why?


How do you imagine the world would be different if every country prioritized self-sufficiency over global trade?


How has participating in a group or team sport affected your views on individual and collective goals?


What changes would you like to see in your country that would reflect both historical values and modern ideals?


How do you think your local community can contribute to national unity?


What's an example of a sacrifice you've made for the greater good of a group?


What's the most important trait you look for in a leader, and why?


How does your family's history shape your views on government and leadership?


How would you define 'national pride,' and do you believe it's essential for society?


Can you envision a scenario where you would accept reduced personal privacy in exchange for security and prosperity?


If you were asked to contribute to your nation's welfare, in what way would you be willing or unwilling to participate?