Try the political quiz

3 Replies


No, but the ads need to be entirely factual and not just a lame dig at other political parties.


I don’t think they should be banned but I think there should be like disclaimers under these ads correcting any potential misinformation


Yes, but only from registered parties, social media is an important platform for political discourse


No, however political advertising on social media should conform to the rules of political advertising used elsewhere.


No, as long as they issue strict guidelines on what can be in said advertising and also ensure that they equally represent all parties.


Leave it to Television stations, especially as it could welcome more political bias and unfair arguments online if left on social media



No, though better oversight of political advertising in general is needed


Paid political posts should be banned as it creates an unfair advantage.


No, but tighten rules regarding how political advertising is undertaken so as it comes only from the political group, not from a third party


Advertising should be limited to what that party intends to do, and any negative comments about other parties should not be allowed.


No I think they should increase, there isn’t enough easy to understand information for the regular Australian to become familiar with who they are voting for and why. Could be a problem for education?



No, but it must be accompanied by independent fact checking verification


Social media companies should ban targeted political advertising, they be informing people of what each party stands for.


No, but there should be more oversight from the AEC on truth in political advertising and increased penalties.


no, but social media companies need to provide more clarity around their algorithms


No but there should be a cap on how much parties can spend on advertising.

 @8XT8893Socialist Allianceanswered…2yrs2Y


 @8XMNWT9Liberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes. I don't agree with it, but I believe it's a private companies right to choose what content is on their platform.


No, but when it comes to forcing political opinions on others that's when it should be deleted.


Yes, it should be up to the people and to not be influenced by political advertising.


Give the person the option to choose whether they like to see this form of advertising


No, but allow greater oversight of the aec on social media companies



Social media companies should be able to choose whether or not to bad political advertising from their sites


No, but there should be a limit on the amount of advertising that occurs and all material needs to be truthful. Political parties and candidates should be fined if the material in their advertising is proven to not be accurate or truthful.


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