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I think if people are doing it illegally anyways, which most people are, the government should make it legal and make people pay tax on it or be able to grow there on plants


I think if people are doing it illegally anyways, which most people are, the government should make it legal and make people pay tax on it or be able to grow there on plants


Any one that thinks Marijuana should be illegal, should also think alcohol should be as well. The only difference is that weed when used responsibly open your mind to different ways of thinking and the government doesn't want that. Also they haven't found a way to make money out of it, so they haven't legalized it.


Sad world we live in where the most dangerous parts about cannabis is getting arrested, getting untested products and the unnecissarily risky situations we have to put ourselves through to obtain it.


thats its the choise on what they want to put in there body and aslong as they aren't causing any harm


Marijuana has many medical and social benefits and should be accessible to people 18+, but be cordoned to private environments (e.g. not smoking in front of minors)


Prohibition just creates a black market industry for the drug and removes the ability for harm minimisation strategies to be put in place. It also creates a criminal network of growers and dealers who earn income outside of the taxation system.


Non-violent drug offenders should have their mental health and finanical stability proritised instead of penalised. Penalties will only worsen the issue.


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