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They bring a new perspective to the Australian voting system as some foreigners have very different backgrounds to people in Australia.


Only citizens, those that have sworn loyalty to the country or who have been born here should have a right to vote in the countries future


In 2020, 29.8% of the Australian population were born overseas, and much more than this comes from different countries and have immigrant parents or grandparents. In 2020, almost every country and culture in the world was represented in Australia. 7.6 million Australians were born overseas in 2020, and in 3 years that number likely grew greatly.


Foreigners voting will mean that their needs are more catered for than the general native Australian population.


1. Citizenship as a prerequisite for voting: One of the main arguments against allowing foreigners to vote is based on the principle that voting is a fundamental right and responsibility of citizens in a democratic society. Proponents of this argument believe that citizenship is a crucial criterion for determining who should have the right to participate in political decision-making processes. They argue that citizenship signifies a deeper level of commitment and connection to a country, as it involves legal obligations, rights, and responsibilities beyond mere residency.

2. Representation and…  Read more


They don't belong in our country, Australia needs to look after there own people before they allow aliens into our country.


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