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 @4V2QVZXGreenfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

No. During World War 2 the US military just buried bombs near their base/s in rural Qld and left them there for 60 years. They needed to ask for US clearance to remove them- giving US control over parts of Australia.

 @9K8TZN2New Liberalanswered…2mos2MO

Yes, while Australia maintains full jurisdiction and authority. But the cats' out of the bag - Pine Gap


Yes jointly in a temporary agreement until we are a nuclear power with a outstanding navy


As long as this military base isn't being used to spy, practice harmful training exercises, or to gather intel to use it against Australia.


Yes, but only if they are joint bases with Australian Government oversight to all activities and interactions taking place in our region


Yes but only if they a jointly owned and are working towards more neutrality in our international affairs


Whatever it takes to stop China and communism from overtaking Australia


No! Mostly this kind of relationship will give you more headaches/disasters/atrack more enemy around the world!


Yes only if we have a military base in America that is operated by Australia but also why would this be needed

 @8Z33Y8DOne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

yes , but have it both ways I.E. if America has 2 bases in Australia we should have the same in America

 @8TX88ZRSocialist Allianceanswered…3yrs3Y

Australia must turn communist to achieve satisfaction within the society they live in today for everyone. Once we do this we should join forces with countries with the same morals as us.

 @92DKHTJLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

No, this provides no benefit to Australia & No, and we should establish more neutrality in our international affairs.

 @8ZTD5RWOne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

In theory yes but there needs to by safeguards in place and far greater transparency. No gain of function research labs for example.


Yes, but only jointly operated and owned bases that further our national interest and defence capabilities.


Yes, but only if they remain the property and under the control of Australia


Yes, and increase the amount of US bases and work with Japan as well.


This is a joke right? That’s just letting America have a solid advantage if they ever wanted to invade and take over Australia.


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