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 @4WM9S7Wfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

Well our multicultural society has created a 24/7 culture and now instead of having Sunday off the community has been given the expectation that everything is going to be open. Therefore we now need to review what a working week is. This is a downside of multiculturalism if the statues continues then Sat. penalty rates should apply to the whole weekend or more simple solution don't open on Sundays have a rest day

 @9BXHLQNfrom Illinois answered…12mos12MO


Why is Sunday even a designated break day lol, there should be no designated break day, only capped working hours.


Workers should be paid double wages if they are working on a religious day they would normally be avoiding work




Yes they should. Many low income part times workers aren’t even paid double wages on sundays




Workers should be paid double on whichever designated dates are negotiated with the employee/employer to ensure cover is appropriate and does not infringe on the rights of the worker.

 @8ZZRGYQAnimal Justiceanswered…2yrs2Y

People should be able to choose a day to be their “sunday” taking into account cultural beliefs and which days a certain person should be paid more based on those beliefs



No, but Saturday penalty rates should be raised to make up the difference

 @8ZKYX3ROne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y


In principle no, but Sunday work is more likely for low paid workers, so unless there is a concurrent increase in the minimum wage, yes



Yes, and double wages should be extended to cover both Saturday and Sunday





 @8TK28PSAustralian Christiansanswered…3yrs3Y



No, they should be paid time and a half, however the penalty rate should be a government expense to support small businesses.


No. Penalty rates should exist, but at 115% and 140%. Having the wage at 200% stops people who want to work more to create a better life for themselves from having the opportunity to as it is unaffordable for employers

 @8ZK52YRChristian Democraticanswered…2yrs2Y

There should be no paid work on Sunday. It should be kept as a Sabbath and do as God calls you.


Yes. Make the weekends and public holidays one and a half times the regular wage


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