Prøv den politiske quiz

101 Diskussioner

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…2 timer2H

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Pledges Significant Defence Spending Amid Global Instability

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…2 timer2H

Iran is weaker than we think. As for Iran’s military chiefs, their standard of success is so low that, in the immediate a…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…2 timer2H

Seeing the massive amounts spent by countries like the US and China on military, do you think there's a more effective w…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…2 timer2H

How do you reconcile the need for national security with the potential benefits of redirecting some of that $2.5 trillio…

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What are your thoughts on the idea that increasing military spending could lead to an 'action-reaction spiral' in global…

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Considering the record high military spending globally, do you think such expenditures help protect nations or provoke m…

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How do you feel about countries prioritizing so much money on military spending rather than investing more in social pro…

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…2 timer2H

World arms spending reaches $2.5 trillion

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How does the idea of cutting off financial support to influence a country's military actions align with your views on in…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…3 timer3H

Should the global financial community have the power to enforce sanctions against banks that support war, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…3 timer3H

Is it ethical for banks to support military actions in other countries, and where should the line be drawn?

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Chinese Banks Help Russia Fund War With Ukraine

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Colleges Thrown Into Chaos Over Pro-Palestinian Protests

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How do you feel about using U.S. military aid as leverage in international conflicts, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…3 timer3H

Gaza War Puts Left Wing In Charge Of Democratic Party

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How should the world respond to the repeated incidents of boats capsizing with migrants?

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If you had the power, what one change would you make to prevent tragedies like this from happening?

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What immediate thoughts come to your mind when you hear about migrants risking their lives at sea?

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How would you feel if someone you knew was on a boat that capsized while searching for a better life?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…4 timer4H

16 Dead, 28 Missing After Migrant Boat Capsizes Off Of Djibouti

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Azerbaijan and Armenia Take Their Decades-Long Dispute to the World Court

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PEN America Cancels Prestigious Awards Ceremony Amid Gaza War Protests

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Elon Musk and Australian Government Clash Over Censorship Accusations

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…13 timer13H

How do you believe the international community should respond to demonstrations of nuclear strength by any country, not…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…13 timer13H

If you had the power to resolve tensions between North Korea and its adversaries, what non-military strategy would you u…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…13 timer13H

Considering North Korea's claims of their missile's accuracy being as reliable as a 'sniper's rifle,' how does this stat…

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Do you think the idea of any country possessing nuclear weapons for defense creates more safety or risk for the world?

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How would you feel if your country was part of a simulated nuclear attack by North Korea, and what actions do you believ…

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…13 timer13H

Nordkorea simulerer nukleare missilangreb

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Fox News' Jesse Watters Defends Trump Amid Trial, Calls Treatment 'Cruel and Unusual'

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Hvilken indflydelse tror du, at en sådan masseanholdelse på et universitet ville have på forholdet mellem studerende og…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…15 timer15H

Hvordan mener du, at samfundet bør balancere behovet for offentlig orden med enkeltpersoners ret til at udtrykke deres m…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…15 timer15H

Hvad betyder retten til at protestere for dig, og hvor vigtig mener du, at den er i et demokratisk samfund?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…15 timer15H

Er det nogensinde berettiget, at myndigheder bruger magt som reaktion på fredelige protester, og under hvilke omstændigh…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…15 timer15H

Hvordan ville du have det, hvis du var en del af en fredelig protest, der blev mødt med masseanholdelser?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…15 timer15H

NYU begynder masseanholdelser af studerende og fakultetets demonstranter

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Hvilken indflydelse kan udvisningen af asylansøgere til Rwanda have på dit personlige syn på din regerings handlinger?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…17 timer17H

Kan asylansøgeres sikkerhed og rettigheder garanteres, når de udvises til et andet land, de ikke har valgt?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…17 timer17H

Er det etisk for et velhavende land at sende asylansøgere til et andet land i stedet for at behandle deres krav indenlan…

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Storbritannien begynder at deportere immigranter til Rwanda om 10 uger

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Polen signalerer parathed til at være vært for NATO-atomvåben midt i spændinger med Rusland

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I betragtning af potentialet for eskalerende konflikter, hvor trækker du grænsen mellem at tilbyde støtte og at blive di…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Tror du, at der nogensinde er en retfærdiggørelse for, at et land kan provokere eller støtte en borgerkrig i et andet?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvad er dine tanker om de etiske implikationer af at beslaglægge og overføre aktiver fra et land til gavn for et andet?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvordan har du det med tanken om, at et land yder økonomisk støtte til et andet lands militære indsats?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…21 timer21H

Russiske embedsmænd siger, at USA bliver "trukket ind i en krig, den vil tabe."

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Raketter retter sig mod USA-ledede koalitionsbase i Syrien, spændinger eskalerer i Mellemøsten