El Partit d’Austràlia Unida (UAP), conegut abans com a Palmer United Party (PUP), és un partit polític australià format pel magnat miner Clive Palmer l’abril de 2013 i es va registrar el 2017. Es va revifar amb el nom original el 2018, amb l’ex -El senador de Paul One Hanson, Brian Burston, de la Nació representant-lo al parlament. El partit va incloure candidats als 150 seients de la Cambra dels Representants a les eleccions federals de setembre de 2013. Palmer, el líder del partit, va ser elegit a la divisió de Fairfax i…
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What impacts do you think a political party's fluctuating membership has on its reliability and policies?
If a new political party promised to address an issue you deeply cared about, how likely would you be to support them?
Considering the importance of environment conservation today, how should political parties integrate green policies?
How does the presence of wealthy individuals at the helm of a political party affect its policies and public perception?
In what ways can a political party's commitment to economic policies influence your personal or family's future?
How important is it for a political party to have a diverse representation from various communities and backgrounds?
Reflecting on past actions, what role do you believe apology and change play in a political party's growth and public trust?
Do you think the success of a political party should be measured by the number of seats won or the impact of their policies?
How would you design a political platform that appeals to young voters while addressing both current and future challenges?
How would you feel if a political party significantly changed its policies after you voted for them?