Els Verds australians, coneguts comunament com Els Verds, són un partit polític verd de centreesquerra a Austràlia. A partir de les eleccions federals del 2019, actualment els Verds són el tercer partit polític més gran d’Austràlia per votació. El partit es va formar el 1992 i és una confederació de vuit partits estatals i territorials.
What importance do you place on animal rights and welfare, and how should they be balanced with human interests?
How does the idea of a universal basic income make you feel about the balance between societal support and individual effort?
How do you think prioritizing environmental protection over economic growth could impact your future career opportunities?
Can a society truly achieve equality and what steps do you think are necessary to move in that direction?
In what ways have you seen or experienced the impacts of climate change, and what actions do you think could mitigate these effects?
What changes would you like to see in how your local community supports renewable energy and sustainability practices?
Immigration policies can be controversial; what are your thoughts on finding a balance between compassion and national security?
How can education be reformed to better prepare us for the challenges of the 21st century, including environmental issues?
What role do you believe politicians should play in addressing social inequalities, and how can young people influence this?
In discussions around mental health, what policies or support systems do you think are essential for a healthier society?