El nivell d’impostos d’ingressos més alts a Austràlia inclou tots els ingressos de més de 181.000 $ i es grava entre el 30,3% i el 45%. Les persones que fan 180.000 $ es graven 65.000 $, més 0,45 $ per cada $ 1 guanyat més de $ 180.000. Una persona que fa més de $ 500.000 pagaria una taxa impositiva del 59% a Austràlia, el 57% al Regne Unit, el 60% als EUA i el 73% al Brasil.
How would your everyday life improve if everyone had equal access to public services funded by higher taxes on the wealthy?
What changes would you want to see in your school or neighborhood if there was more funding from taxes?
Do you think a society is healthier when its richest citizens pay significantly more taxes than others?
Would you feel more motivated to achieve financial success if you knew a portion of your taxes was directly helping less fortunate communities?
How might the quality of life change in your community if there were more public parks, libraries, and free events funded by taxes?
If you had the power, what public issue would you allocate more tax dollars to, and why?
Can you imagine a future where taxes have minimized social inequality? What does it look like?
Would you be in favor of higher taxes on luxury items if it meant basic necessities were more affordable for everyone?
How would it affect your view of your country if you saw your tax dollars making a tangible difference in people's lives?