Опитайте политическата викторината

10 отговора


What does decentralization mean to you, and do you see it as beneficial for your community?


How can promoting smaller, local businesses impact your community and its development?


If you could decide, what would be the first local initiative or project you would invest in for your area?


How important is it for local communities to design their own development strategies?


Why do you think some areas develop faster than others, and how can this imbalance be addressed?


What initiatives or projects do you think would most benefit your community if more control was given to local governance?


How would you feel if your community received more funding and support for local projects?


What are some pros and cons of spreading economic opportunities more evenly across different areas?


Can you think of a time when something in your area could have been improved if decisions were made locally?


How would your local community change if more decisions were made by local rather than national government?