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 @CommittedG3rrym4nder from Massachusetts submitted…12hrs12H

Embattled Sen. Bob Menendez files to run for reelection as Independent candidate

 @9992HTR from GU answered…6hrs6H

Yes, all infrastructure should be maintained and kept to a high standard until Australia is number 1 in the world in inf…

 @9992HTR from GU answered…6hrs6H

No, this will lead to unintended downsides and consequences.

 @9992HTR from GU answered…6hrs6H

No, all funding should be cut off and sanctions imposed until he makes peace.

 @9992HTR from GU answered…6hrs6H

No, this would set a dangerous precedent and lead to coldly effective but immoral foreign policy decisions.

 @9992HTR from GU answered…6hrs6H

Yes, collecting personal data, either by a government or a company, is an authoritarian invasion of privacy.

 @9992HTR from GU answered…6hrs6H

Yes. Incarceration, especially for non-violent crimes, should be a last resort and every effort should be taken to limit…

 @9992HTR from GU answered…6hrs6H

Yes, landlords have gotten away with immoral policies for too long.

 @9NHSCRKfrom Texas  disagreed…7hrs7H

We should be increasing the contributions of the national residents of the country to decrease the national unemployment…

 @9NHSCRKfrom Texas  agreed…7hrs7H

By supplying a penalty rate for those working on Sundays, we are acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of thos…

 @9NHSCRKfrom Texas  disagreed…7hrs7H

Workers are rightly entitled to earn a penalty rate for working on days that are not a part of the working week to ackno…