Try the political quiz

234 Replies


In what ways could guaranteed access to basic needs, like education and healthcare, alter your view of what's possible in your life?


these resources are vital within the growing generation. guaranteed access to these basic needs makes sure that everything functions and runs smoothly. things like having a child or getting an education no longer becomes scary as you have something in place and it drastically improves life for myself and those around me producing highly educated future.


It could allow for better focus and prioritisation of other aspects of life by allowing for better reallocation of mental resources. E.g. the mental space occupied by worrying/focusing on my educational/healthcare capacity could be used for other things


If your government provided for your healthcare and education, how might your attitudes towards civic engagement change?

 @9JQ2224Laborfrom Connecticut answered…4mos4MO

I would be more encouraged to participate in civic engagement as it creates the image of an active government seeking to address the issues. While government funding all healthcare would be better than the current situation, I do think public healthcare should be optional and private healthcare should still be allowed. Funding upper education is not necessary, as we should be encouraging funding for trade schools and focusing more funding on basic lower educations.


Do you think your local community could benefit from more public investment in amenities and infrastructure?

 @9JQ2224Laborfrom Connecticut answered…4mos4MO

I do think they could, at least in the future when our current infrastructure degrades.


How would the existence of robust elder support services alter your vision of growing older and retirement planning?


Would your opinion on what constitutes a 'meaningful life' differ if lived experiences were valued over material possessions?


Would living in an environment where trust in government is high change your level of political involvement or apathy?


If you could more easily switch careers later in life due to comprehensive retraining programs, would that free you to explore different paths?


What new hobbies or personal projects would you consider if your workweek was significantly shorter due to strong labor laws?


How might you envision the future of family dynamics in a society where both parents have the ability to balance work and child-rearing more equally?


How would your willingness to engage with your community change in a country where high taxes fund all-inclusive public services?


If your society guaranteed welfare benefits regardless of employment status, how would that influence your career trajectory?


Would a system that values the common good over individual riches affect your personal aspirations or motivations?


In a more equal society with a smaller wealth gap, what changes might occur in your personal definition of 'success'?


Might a society that secures work-life balance for all affect your perspective on personal versus professional life?


If you did not have to worry about healthcare costs, how would that shape your life planning?


Would an education system that's accessible to all influence what dreams you dare to pursue?


How would your day-to-day stress levels fluctuate in an environment where employment was secure and supported?


Would the presence of strong social programs compel you to take bolder life decisions?


How might a society that de-emphasizes material wealth over holistic well-being reshape your personal goals?


In a country where the standard is to care for all individuals, how might your own attitudes towards compassion and charity shift?


What aspects of a society rich in public amenities and social programs would most positively affect your quality of life?


How much of a priority do you place on partaking in leisure activities and how could this change with more emphasis on work-life balance?


Can you imagine how a spirit of cooperation, often found in Nordic societies, might change competition in schools and workplaces?


How might the removal of financial barriers to education influence what you study or how far you take your education?


How does the idea of a society that emphasizes compassion and support for all citizens resonate with your personal values?


How might a guaranteed safety net affect your willingness to take risks, whether in career, education, or personal life?


What personal sacrifices would you be willing to make to ensure a higher level of social equality in your society?


How would it affect your day-to-day stress knowing that you have access to healthcare regardless of your job or income?


Should a society's top goal be to maximize happiness and well-being rather than economic output?


How would your motivations for success change in a society where incomes are more equalized?


Would the allure of high living standards in a more socially equal country encourage you to migrate?


How confident would you feel in your future if college education were free and accessible for all?


What would social equality mean for you in your day-to-day interactions with others?


How would knowing your basic needs are met by society influence your choice in pursuing your passion or hobby?


Does the prospect of receiving equal educational opportunities regardless of background excite or concern you, and why?


Imagine a life with guaranteed healthcare; how would that change your approach to health and wellness?


How would you feel if your career success was more about your contribution to society than your income?


How could society benefit if people chose careers based on passion and aptitude instead of financial necessity?


How would your sense of financial security change if you knew you were supported by a collective system in times of need?


Could the concept of 'earning what you deserve' take on new meaning in a society that prioritizes social welfare?


How important are happiness and satisfaction in your life, and how might they be affected by a society centered on equality?


Could a focus on social welfare instead of personal wealth affect your perception of status and prestige?


How would the feeling of job security impact your life choices and stress levels?


In what ways could a strong social safety net empower you to take more risks in your career or education?


How would you describe the ideal relationship between government and citizens in providing for the community's needs?


What does 'freedom' mean to you, and how would a society that prioritizes social welfare change that definition?