Try the political quiz

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What is one social issue you're passionate about and how do you think the government should address it?


Do you think mental health support should be a priority in schools, and how might this benefit students?


What kind of job or worker protections do you think are necessary for a fair workplace?


If you had the power, how would you propose to tackle income inequality?




What kind of social support do you envision for the elderly in your community, and how do you think it can be balanced with individual family responsibilities?


Describe a moment when you or someone you know was affected by climate policies; how did it change your perspective on environmental responsibility and economic interests?


How might your future career choices be influenced by the current debate on tax reforms and their impact on individuals and businesses?


What role do you think the government should play in supporting innovation and technology start-ups in your area?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11mos11MO



Recall an encounter with law enforcement or the justice system; did it change how you view authority and rules in society?


How does the availability of digital infrastructure, like internet access, in your area affect your day-to-day life and opportunities?


Think about the last time national security was a topic of conversation; what personal concerns did you bring to that discussion?


Can you share a story about when workplace or labor laws directly affected you or someone close to you?


Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party


How important is preserving local cultures and jobs in decision-making regarding the advancement of technology in agriculture and fishing?


What do you think are the long-term effects of land management policies on the traditions and lifestyles of local farmers and indigenous communities?


In what ways do you think the education and healthcare needs of rural areas differ from that of urban places?


Imagine the decisions you would make to protect water rights and access; how would your choices affect nearby cities?


Socialist Alliance


What kind of future do you imagine if more emphasis were placed on community decision-making instead of top-down governance?


How might your life change if the government focused more on social programs than military spending?


What pros and cons do you see if the government provided universal basic income?


How would you feel if all necessities like housing, food, and water were guaranteed to every citizen?




How might an emphasis on infrastructure development in remote areas influence your future job prospects or lifestyle choices?


What are the potential effects on a society when a political party prioritizes national cultural values over multiculturalism?


How do you feel about the balance between free market policies and the need for government intervention in economic crises?


Considering the emphasis on traditional family values, what changes might you foresee in education and social services in your area?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11mos11MO


Christian Democratic Party


What are your thoughts on the importance of preserving religious traditions in an increasingly diverse society?


Can a political party's commitment to charity and social welfare influence your vote, and is that reasonable?


If a policy proposed by a faith-based political party conflicted with your views, how would you respond or react?


How important is it for you that a political party aligns with your personal beliefs on marriage and family?


Science Party


When it comes to controversial scientific topics, how can political parties ensure all voices are heard fairly?


How would you propose politicians measure the success of science-focused policies in society?


What's a scientific breakthrough you hope to see in your lifetime, and how could politics help or hinder it?


How do you think the opinions of scientists should influence political decision-making?