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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y


 @9LQP9JFdisagreed…4 days4D

It is called public property for a reason and people have every right to be there at any time or day. If that happens to be where they sleep who the **** cares.


It’s a public space. People should be allowed to feel safe where they choose to reside. Control and autonomy over these aspects of their life is important. Do we have to try and control everything? What harm is this truly doing?


A lot of homeless people decline help because they have been harmed by people they have previously trusted in these shelters and housing. A lot of homeless women have been raped in homeless shelters and a lot of homeless people have had their things stolen from housing and shelters as well as having been beaten up. If these people don't feel safe in housing which is often the case, then the only place they can go is a park bench or the foot path, most of what you see is public spaces so where do you expect them to go? There's no where left.


Merely removing homeless encampments without offering alternative housing and support services fails to address the root causes of homelessness and perpetuates the cycle of poverty. A more effective approach involves providing permanent housing, mental health services, and job training programs to help individuals rebuild their lives and reintegrate into society. This comprehensive strategy priorities compassion and evidence-based solutions while addressing the concerns of both homeless individuals and the community. Until the government can provide this homeless people need somewhere to reside.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y



over 122,000 people experiencing homelessness on any given night. In Australia, one in seven people experiencing homelessness are over 55 years. Over 17,600 children younger than 12 years are homeless.


no, you are wasting your time on futile ideologies that will not amount to anything, go back to your parents and give them a hug for wasting their time on raising someone that does something so stupid.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

Yes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine


if they want to live on the street and not have a job they should not get free food and free clothes


Do I really need to? All that needs to be cited is the Scandinavian countries, rural communities, Cuba, etc


How is a homeless person with house and their basic needs met eg. sheltered showered and medicated meant to get out of being homeless and actually solve their issues. Helping meet these basic needs will help the person not need those assistances in the future.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, and make it a criminal offense


Homeless people get bullied a lot, and making housing for them isn't good because then people would target the houses


They should take available shelter or housing first. If it is very necessary they should be allowed to encamp on public property.


Yes as long as they vacate early in the morning and they can return at night


No but creat more social programs to provide free food, clothing and medicine


No, but the government should support homeless individuals to find other means of housing/shelter other than public property, as well as create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine.

 @9LP5LPDanswered…7 days7D

Yes, they should be allowed in certain areas which are allocated to them, they should not be allowed to sleep wherever.


No, but please create more safe, comfortable sleeping areas with police patrols and access to basic facilities like showers, beds etc


Maybe only in parks and open places similar. But they can’t encamp. They must pack up during the day and unpack in the evening


I think there are enough rich people in the world that provide to charity but why can’t they provide for homeless like Elon musk probably donates to so many charities but why can’t he buy a massive house for like many homeless to share. The government should also provide houses for homeless but they should have to share with many people it also depends if they are under the influence of drugs or not


It depends where on public property. In a park yes. However i feel like there should be certain places for people that dont have a home, they are able to go to


I can see that this may make people of the general population uncomfortable, but it is public property so maybe they should be allowed to sleep there. But either way I don’t have strong feelings on this


no, they should be placed in housing this also becomes quite a big issue when they gather in groups as they cause major disturbances.

 @9K9VF63Labor answered…2mos2MO

Yes although if there are constant refusals to use public services then a investigation should be conducted to inspect the standards of the program


It shouldn't be encouraged but we can't expect the desperate to break certain rules in order to be comfortable.

 @9K7FW3QLabor answered…2mos2MO

No, but more funding should be placed in building shelters, providing free food, and further resources for the aid of the homeless. Further action should be taken to elaborate on WHY they have refused available shelter and aid, as this may reveal certain circumstances, specific to them, that can be touched on in legislation and social programs.

 @9K2SLQMOne Nationanswered…2mos2MO

Depends on the situation of the individual and where it is the government is trying to place them ie you wouldn’t place a homeless single parent and child with a community housing full of drug addicts. An individual has every right to feel safe and refuse where it is deemed unsafe for a specific reason. There should be more programmes And housing options.


Yes, as long as it does not disrupt the use of said public property and the government should provide them with social programs.


yes depending on the area. Meaning it doesn't disrupt any near by business and not too out in the open where it could be a safety and health risk to the homeless and others surrounding.


No, but we should improve current infrastructure to provide safer and more appealing shelters and housing


Once refused to take shelter or housing should be taken to other remote area of their choice. That should not live in the metropolitan area by that way other needy get a chance to live in .


be able to provide people with more options if they didn't feel safe in those thathave already been provided

 @9GQCLFTOne Nationanswered…6mos6MO

make special place for homeless people to camp and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine


yes only if they have a valid reason as to why they are not in shelters (like they feel unsafe etc.)


No but there should be a place where they can sleep and food, clothing and medicine should be provided to them


No, instead make it so there are more homeless centers and if a way of low income housing is found they YES


if they have refused shelter or housing they should not be allowed but if they have not been offered shelter or housing then it is finw


No but more support should be offered, why have they refused available shelter? There must be a reason


No, however they should be provided with enough money to survive on ( depending on the cost of living) --- cost of living is the cause of many things -- --


not if they've refused avaliable places, but if they don't have anywhere to go then they should be able to


yes, and create more support for them as well as access to food, healthcare and clothing.


No, but instead of penalising or punishing them, push for them to enter a homeless shelter that provides things they would otherwise be lacking such as food, clothing, medicine and in-house education/job training


Yes, only if they do not damage the property and do not create harm to the public


Depends on their background and reasoning behind being homeless, and whether they are capable (health wise) to apply for jobs to sustain themselves.


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