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Some people don’t have enough qualifications or life experience to get a well paid job therefore have to opt for the min wage job to feed themselves and their kids


Some people do not have the skills or ability to attain a higher education and qualifications for high paying jobs. This leaves them with the only option being minimum wage jobs, which should provide a perosn with financial support for their family.


some people on minimum wage need to feed a family so therefore they should increase the pay of minimum wage


While some view minimum wage jobs as entry-level positions for gaining experience, many workers rely on them as their primary source of income to support themselves and their families. With the rising costs of living, a significant portion of minimum wage workers are adults supporting households, highlighting the need for a liveable wage to address income inequality and ensure economic stability for working families.


if you happen to have a child at a young age of 16 and you need a job to support yourself and the child you should be able to have more than minimum wage to allow you have a steady income


Some people can not get a job above minume wage how are they support there family when its there only choice.

 @9FMGZC5from Guam disagreed…9mos9MO

Everybody should have access to a minimum acceptable standard of living and jobs should pay enough achieve this.


If people are less experienced when they are older due to some sort of lack of education, they should be paid a fair amount to support them and their families as they may be unable to get a better job.


Many people have hard times in there life meaning they might need to lean on minimum wage jobs for a while to get back on their feet.