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remove gender-oriented competition and instead conduct balanced classification through examination of physical traits


I think it should just be categorised by skill and weight grades oppose to sex.


that's literally wrestling, they're not going to do it for every sport. that's ridiculous.


Should move towards categories which disregard sex and gender, and instead use measurements of strength, weight etc.


that's just stupid, what if people genuinely wanted to play with their own biological gender. you can't disregard peoples genders just because of transgenders changing.


Abolish gender segregation and competition categories should be based on equal level of fitness and anthropometrics. So, males and females of similar weight and body mass compete.

 @9LHNTMYOne Nationanswered…2wks2W

No, hormones don't change biological sex. See is not assigned at birth. See is determined at egg fertilisation. Basic biology.


No, but there's too many nuances such as how long they have been in hormone therapy.


Yes, however. Only in an "Opens Catagory". Where transgender athletes can compete with cis males and cis females


Post puberty, depending on the governing body of the sport. Physical contact sports should almost always be restricted to biological gender.

 @9JXT3ZTAnimal Justiceanswered…2mos2MO

Yes, as long as the sport in question is not a physical contact sport where there is possible injury to the other players.


gender, race, age, disability, background should not matter. All people can compete against all people, the best is the best.


all athletes should be able to compete againt anyone. Gender, age, build, background etc is not relevent, the best are the best.


No, instead, leave the athlete teams as they are, and create sports events specifically made for transgender people.


They should only be allowed to compete in male categories regardless of their biological sex because of hormone use


This should be assessed case by case when an individual in this category wishes to compete. There are too many unique factors person to person in this type of decision


Yes, and hormone levels wildly fluctuate even between cis athletes so hormone levels should not be a requirement



they should not even mention they are transgender. if they are assigned female at birth but transitioned to Male, they are Male.



Sports should be based on weight and strength more than sex and gender



Yes, unless it is at a major competitive level, and they must have been transitioning for at 6 months.


Remove male & female seperated sports, measure athletes by hormone level


No, but they should compete in a universal category where anyone can compete


when it comes to school sports and non-competitive sports, there shouldn't be regulations. But when it comes to professional sports, maybe there should be.

 @992LLJKSocialist Allianceanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, all trans people should be given the same rights and opportunities as cisgender people.


It should be via weight/height, or the olympics need to set up a gender neutral/all-gender category


 @98LDNWJfrom Massachusetts answered…1yr1Y


Transgender Athletes should compete in their own category, as when they compete in sports with biologically male or female players, it gives them an unfair advantage based on their performance



The more competitive, like states, the more regulated it should be. Trans people are not the same physically as neither their sex assigned at birth or their gender they identify with.


No, this would devalue women's divisions as transgender women who have experienced a male puberty have a distinct advantage against cisgender women.


Yes; transgender women athletes, who maintain, long term, serum testosterone levels within the normal range, of cisgender women athletes, should be permitted to compete within the gender category for which they identify.


We need to create a new sport category for 'other' or 'everyone else' or for all those that differ from birth sex. Woman have spent generations creating womans sport cause men are naturally better at physical things. How many transgender men (originally woman) wanna play mens sport?? -none cause they'll lose no matter how equal their hormone levels are. What about the trans people that are only trans in mind and dont wanna change their bodies fit in? -they dont. If trans people wanna play sport they gotta accept theyre different. If trans people get to play in womans…  Read more


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