Try the political quiz

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Anyone should be able to vote of they wish, but voting shouldn't be compulsory, or should be via topics not parties.

 @9LPVW7Ranswered…5 days5D

No, and voter should be required to pass a basic test demenstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote. However, there should be free public accessibility to information, and it should not be biased, but instead made so that people who are competent of the outcomes of their elections can vote.


Yes, given that they pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote


Yes, it should be lowered to 16, but voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics and civics in order to vote.

 @9K8TZN2New Liberalanswered…2mos2MO

LOCAL COUNCIL (& STATE) lowered to 16 years FEDERAL remain at 18 or date of enrollment, having enrolled in Uni All lowered to 16 for all Apprenticeship / Cadetships


18, should be the mandatory voting age, however 16 year olds that are able to drive, pay taxes, and work trade jobs should have the option to vote.


Ages 16 to 17 should be eligible to vote, but it be optional. It then becomes compulsory at 18 to vote. There should also be an upper age cap.


I think we should have a basic informative presentation or a test and anyone who pays taxes can vote so under 18’s shouldn’t pay taxes.

 @9J8M5K9Green answered…3mos3MO

Yes, for those willing. It should be opened to 16+ as an optional system, then become mandatory at 18.

 @935CG4PLiberal Democrat answered…4mos4MO

Any citizen from the age of 14 should be allowed to vote, but voting should not be mandatory for people under the age of 16


No, and I think that people should be encouraged to watch a short video on the basics of politics, and voting, before they vote themselves.


Yes, lower it to 16 but voters under the age of 18 should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of the Australian voting system and the Australian political system in order to vote


People who contribute to society should be able to register to vote, provided that they are over 16.


Under 18's should be able to vote for a representative for children under 18, a person who advocates for children and school issues, ect





I believe that a similar test used in court to determine maturity for emancipation cases should be implemented for ages 14 and up. If you pass you can vote for that election. If not you wait until the next one and take another test until you turn 18 when it is no longer required.

 @9D2F7QYAnimal Justiceanswered…9mos9MO


Voluntary voting should be allowed but then compulsory voting from the age of 18.


yes but under 18s should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote


Yes, the voting age should be 16 and up with it being non-compulsory from the ages 16-18.


No, and raise the minimum age you can be to be taxed on income to 18.


It is should be lowered to the age of 16, but it is optional and not mandatory.


It should be lowered a bit because you are still old enough to vote however not too young that u make dumb decisions,


I think people should be able to vote after the second trimester of pregnancy



It should be lowered to sixteen after they are proved to be mature enough


Yes, along with real life education about what voting means and the ways in which our individual voice blends into that of the collective.....what I really want is real life education in schools. Children are very much more mature at 16 now than they were in previous generations.

 @99Z4Y5H from GU answered…1yr1Y

Yes, optional from 16, then mandatory from 18. voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote.


The voting age should be lowered to sixteen, only if the political system and the arguments for all parties are taught properly as part of school curriculum.



Yes, but it should be voluntary for under 18s, and they should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order of vote



The voting age should be optional when you turn 16 and be compulsory when you turn 18.


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