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All parties get a set amount of funding ideally less than $1 million to work with from the government


Depends, if they are on the verge of collapse and want to keep their party, then the government can give money. Also add restrictions on how they spend it, and the amount given scales to the number of their votes.


Yes, if they receive same amount and not a top up to parties that have wealthy business who already donate


Yes, but there should be a sliding scale as to how much the party is "worth" financially.

 @92DKHTJLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and funding should be proportional to the amount of votes they receive & Yes, but there should be more restrictions and transparency on how they spend the money.



Yes, but not a large amount and not to far-right and Fascist parties


Funding should be both proportional to the amount of votes and transparent in their use


Yes, but the amount they receive should be reduced, all political parties should receive the same amount, and there should be more restrictions and transparency on how they spend the money.



Yes but that should be coupled with a law prohibiting donations from corporations and there should be much better transparency and a fairer distribution between parties too


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