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I think that the yes position supports immorality and that it contradicts with many religions such as Christianity.


I have no statistics from any websites. I have knowledge from seeing many families personally of both single parent/ mother and father / Gay parents. Just because of your sexual preference has no bearing on who you are as a person.

 @9FCJ2QBFamily Firstdisagreed…9mos9MO

Male Female two parent households are statistically proven to give greater future outcomes for the children in relation to other structures, as such it is in the child's and society at larges best interest to maximise future outcomes through prioritising heterosexual couples in adoption.

 @9N8DVQGOne Nationdisagreed…1 day1D

Parenthood (within a male/female only marriage) was designed and instituted by our creator God at the beginning. If you don't believe this, you've got bigger problems looming ahead than adoption rights! As God made the human race, He set the standards for the good and protection of children. It is not the government's place to corrupt the family structure and especially not to degrade it to the detriment of the most vulnerable in the family; children. It is by natural design that wherever and whenever possible, children should have the right and opportunity to be raised by…  Read more


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