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Any disease can have a risk factor of death depending on the individual. The choice to take a vaccine is personal and circumstantial. There should never be a mandate for injected chemicals into our citizens. Especially not our children.


Forcing people to take a vaccination is wrong. My example is the covid vaccination, it was hardly even a year before they had one to fight against this pandemic. They had many unknowns of how it will affect civilization down the track.


no mandatory vaccinations at all, you should have the choice to take them or not without a consequence.


No, if someone doesn't want to be vaccinated they shouldnt have to even if it is a deadly contagious diseases


Who defines deadly. Many diseases can be deadly to compromised individuals and not the general population. What is the percentage of deaths? Covid was deadly but at a minimal scale that may have been less deadly than the knee jerk reaction was, referring to suicides, vaccine side effects, family tensions and destruction, homelessness, etc


It should only be for the deadly diseases because they are obviously "deadly" to the human race and people should be protected but any other disease the people have a right to there own choice.


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