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 @4ZHZGV4from New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

How about a free trade agreement with other third world countries instead of continually feeding the monster in China. China pouring so much throw away trash into this country and Australia's are frittering their hard earned dollars on rubbish that turns into landfill. I want to see other countries from the third world given more opportunities to do trade with Australia.

 @4XXZQTVfrom South Australia answered…3yrs3Y

How can you (not) support something that you are not allowed to know all the details of?

 @9LQP4RNanswered…4 days4D

Yes, but Australia should seek to diversify their trade partners to decrease the effect of China's implementation of tariffs.


I don’t believe that China would ever agree and adhere to a true free-trade agreement with Australia


as long as both countries are benefiting equally and Australia isn't taking advantage of chinas market.

 @9K8TZN2New Liberalanswered…2mos2MO

No - there is no such thing as a Free Trade Agreement. Only regulated markets and governments whom negotiate (often not well) on their behalf.


No. China are economic bullies and we should try to reduce our trade with them once our economy improves.


No, and we should try to reduce Australian trade with China once the cost of living goes down. They are economic bullies.


No. China are economic bullies and we rely too much on them economically. We need to find new trading partners.


As long as China provides us with adequate sources and Australia returns it there is no issue.


Yes, but not until China meets strict humanitarian and animal rights standards


Yes, But not until China meets strict humanitarian and animal rights standards


Yes, but we need to combat this with prevention of outsourcing Australia jobs


under strict circumstance to end currency manipulation and make the living standard for human nd animal



Yes, but we should be doing more to prevent the outsourcing of Australian jobs


Yes, but we should be able to renegotiate the agreement to suit our own interests and economic requirements


Economically it is greatly beneficial for Australia's heavily commodity based economy as we receive cheap manufactured capital goods in return. However, over reliance and a changing geopolitical landscape might incentivise Australia to diversify its exports and imports

 @992LLJKSocialist Allianceanswered…1yr1Y

No, too many jobs are outsourced and China has gross human rights violations.


No, China will never abide by any agreements we need to reduce our reliance on China to below 25% of GDP as soon as practicable


Yes, we can't afford, economically or militarily, to make an enemy of China

 @982P6XLNick Xenophon Teamanswered…1yr1Y

No, because then China will control Australia through trade. Australia should not be dependent on trade from any nation, including China, Germany and the US. Australia is a FREE, DEMOCRATIC nation, a SUPERPOWER in the PACIFIC, we do not need any foreign nation controlling us!!!


We should buy home country first and support local economy much more.Not saying do not trade with China but increase home trade and be more independent.


Australia should not have a disproportionate trade volume with any single country as it does with China. Free trade agreements by their nature are political rather than rationally economic. The number of bilateral and multilateral agreements, (not only trade), is ridiculous and often are in logical conflict from one agreement to another


Kinda of but also we shouldnt be so dependable on China for trade and services


No, not until China meets strict humanitarian rights standards (Xin- Xiang, Hong Kong, South China Sea, Chinese corporations with CCP ties overseas) and halts it’s military intimidation and propaganda war over Taiwan.


Australia needs to become less reliant on china. Australia needs to get new trading partners, particularly those in NATO. While breaking away from China would be rough at first, it would certainly benefit us in the long run.


No, not until China agrees to adhere to humanitarian and animal rights standards and end its economic misdeeds, such as it's currency manipulation.


 @9CVZ3N9from Maine answered…9mos9MO


Reciprocal only i.e no foreign ownership unless available in both countries


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